Sean Murphy
Friendship cemetery is a Perpetual care cemetery
A outer burial container is required. Burial vault and casket (not included)
We Accept Check and Cash Only
Area to the left (South) of cemetery main entry gate. For in ground burial of cremains.
We Accept Check and Cash Only
If you wish to donate to assist in the management, preservation and upkeep of our facilities, donations are sincerely appreciated. You can mail your donation to P.O. Box 1622, Springdale, AR 72765 or place the donation in the box near the entry to the cemetery. Donations are also tax deductible.
Friendship Cemetery Assoc.
PO Box 1622
Springdale, AR 72765
1984 S. Friendship Rd, Springdale, Arkansas 72764, United States
Monday - Friday: 9am-3pm
Call for appointment.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Cemetery grounds open for visitation
Sunrise-Sunset daily all year round
The Spring Clean Up will start in March. At that time all decorations that are on or in the ground will be removed and discarded in preparation for the mowing season. If you have items you want please get them removed by that time. All approved decorations on a monument will be untouched. Please after that time do not place items on or in the ground as they will be removed as needed for mowing and trimming weekly until after mowing season.
Memorial Day decorations may be placed on the ground but please keep them as close as possible to the monument so equipment can get by and place any flags or decorations at Veterans or other foot markers to the East side of marker (towards Friendship Rd). All decorations that are placed on or in the ground will be removed and discarded 10 days after Memorial Day for Cemetery grounds maintenance. All approved decorations on the monument will be untouched.
During the visiting hours (Sunrise-Sunset year round) please be respectful at all times. At sunset the cemetery is officially closed and visitors shall leave the premises until sunrise the following day. Gate will open when vehicle triggers the gate to open if inside the cemetery when gate closes at sunset. The gate only stays open for enough time for a vehicle to exit then closes again. Do not race to beat the gate if multiple vehicles are leaving at same time as you will be able to reopen gate with your vehicle and do not ever stop in the swing path of the gate. Do not open gate to allow another vehicle to enter as the cemetery is closed. Do not be on foot inside the cemetery near sunset as you will need a vehicle to open gate to leave. If gate malfunctions or you are on foot after closing hours please call the office number and leave a message.
All monuments must meet the cemetery regulations. All monuments and pads to be installed by a monument company. All foot markers shall be ground level with no protrusions or vases. If a unapproved monument is placed it will be removed. If a monument is leaning or needing fixed in any way please contact your monument company to have them level/fix it. No benches, ledgers or above ground burials.
All Veteran Markers supplied by Veterans Affairs are allowed in Friendship Cemetery. All VA Bronze, Marble and Granite markers shall be delivered to monument company that will be installing the marker and not to the cemetery. All bronze markers shall be placed on a 4" concrete pad.
All temporary markers must be approved by cemetery management. All Temporary markers are allowed to remain for up to 12 months after burial. After the 12 month only a permanent marker may be used. A permanent marker can be placed in accordance to the cemetery rules and regulations any time before or after burial.
No portable pop up tents are permitted at any time. Tents from Vault company are only tents permitted. If shade is needed please use umbrellas.
This section is for Burial spaces that are for sale by owner of space. If interested in purchasing a space listed below contact the attached phone number to speak with the owner. When transaction between Seller and Buyer are complete the New Owner shall bring completed Notarized Form to the Cemetery Office and there will be a $50 fee per space purchased to Transfer into new Owners name. See map at bottom of page for general location for Sections/Blocks. Highlighted Letter on space identification is the Section/Block.
1.479.209.3175 (2 spaces)
T.V.14 #1, T.V.14 #2
1.479.790.5549 (2 spaces)
T.R.31 #7, T.R.31 #8
1.979.213.0049 (4 spaces)
T.W.24 #1, #2
T.W.25 #3, #4
1.405.760.4910 (1 space North side of cemetery)
E.18 #8
1.479.601.0823 (2 spaces, Black base and vases convey) (Gravel Drive area)
S.J.9 #1, #2
Sample Form:
Burial Space for sale by owner
I ________________________________________ do here by sell my burial space(s) in Friendship Cemetery in Springdale, AR to the following person(s) __________________________________________ for the amount of $____________ per space.
Space number(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________
Seller: ________________________________
Buyer: ________________________________
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